Micheal one commentator on public TV said that one of the reasons Trump was elected was that the democrats were seen as elitist because they put so much emphasis on higher education! Somehow we have to make it sound as though it in the benefit of all no matter what profession or vocation they choose and find a way to make it within their reach. Having the legislature decrease the portion that they pay certainly doesn’t help and is short sighted! JR

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This comes close to an issue I've been wondering about. Is it possible that the growth in the use of non-disclosure agreements and employee non-compete agreements might reduce the rate of economic growth attributed to education?

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Perhaps, but I would think that it is more likely to boost growth, since that was almost exclusively and anti-competitive tool.

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Did you mean that banning non-competes might boost growth?

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Very cool analysis. Interestingly, some of the endangered counties have the fastest growth in irrigation water use. Please check out the State Chamber Water Update report.

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That's quite interesting.

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